Otr25 Coming up: KLINGE to Showcase at One of the Most Anticipated Networking Events in the Mining Industry in Puerto Rico! More Infos


— Al Klinge, CEO & Vice-President


OTR tires are one of the biggest levers to mine production and safety incidents, without proper guidance and supervision this can affect the whole mine. Our focus is on addressing the leading-edge challenges that on-site or corporate teams may have not encountered or have competing priorities.

Skills shortages are hitting the mining industry hard, recruiting for an in-house tire expert was difficult 10 years ago let alone today. Our experts were handpicked because of their unique set of skills and experience working on-site at various mines in superintendent, manager or advisor roles. 

Support available: Semi Permanent & On-Demand

Semi Permanent

Long term projects requiring regular or several visits to site to undertake the scope of work. Our team member is inducted as a mine worker at your site with all relevant responsibilities and privileges. Taking on a superintendent role is typical and based on the required scope of work from the client tasks can be quite broad or focused. Being imbedded on-site teams enables a more collaborative work environment and is the only method appropriate for supervision of tire operations day-to-day.

Responsibilities: Day-to-day management of OTR tire service operations, incident investigations, SOP or documentation creation/review, interdepartmental reporting, scheduling of work, tire data analysis, TMS management, TPMS advisement, recruitment support, mentoring of replacements, and service provider contracts/KPIs advice.

Exclusions: OTR Tire or Rim procurement negotiations.

Semi Permanent Image
Fault and Hazard identification and prevention.


Perfect for bolstering and supporting a busy in-house team to solve complex problems or cover for absent or extended leave of key people. Some smaller sites only require a part-time solution and as such visits to site quarterly or every 2nd month by a Consultant is enough time to add significant value depending on the scope of work. Our team member is usually only required to have visitor or relevant site status that allows them to participate in activities sporadically with an escort. 

Responsibilities: Coaching and support of on-site permanent tire superintendent/manager, incident investigations, SOP or documentation creation/review, interdepartmental reporting, scheduling of work, tire data analysis, TMS management, TPMS advisement, recruitment support and service provider contracts/KPIs advice.

Exclusions: OTR Tire or Rim procurement negotiations, day-to-day management of OTR tire service operations. 

On Demand Image
  KLINGE lead trainer, Roy Gayler, conducting TIA300 Certification – Suriname


Ignoring a fleet’s OTR tires are one of the easiest ways to limit productivity, so why do so many mines ignore the need for experienced leadership? The skills shortages for one, it’s hard to find the right people these days let alone recruit them into a permanent position. Our on-site consulting is designed to support these typical gaps.

  • Ability to service multiple countries
  • Experience managing service providers
  • No conflict of interest with service or tire sales
  • Hard to find skills and experience on the market

Without appropriate supervision, follow up and enthusiasm any project or team can struggle. On-site consulting form KLINGE can help turn these situations around and prepare site to take on responsibility themselves eventually. 

Ssr Mining Powerpoint Presentation
KLINGE Total Tire Control® personalised and one-on-one coaching and software training 


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