Coming up: KLINGE to Showcase at One of the Most Anticipated Networking Events in the Mining Industry in Puerto Rico! More Infos
TIRE solutions by TIRE People
We’ve been helping mines, quarries, ports, dealers and service providers solve mining tire challenges for 52 years using our experience, technology and passion.
We focus on building effective & reliable solutions that improve safety culture.
Don’t let an incident be the spark that starts your safety improvement journey. We draw from 40+ years as on-site service providers with a record of zero fatalities. Today part of our mission is improving safety for all tire technicians, we offer free safety tip downloads, surveys and media for use in OTR workplaces globally. Review our presentations and contributions from conferences and learn more about the industry and OTR tires in general.
“7 days of intense learning provided by the company’s team KLINGE, performing a fantastic job of auditing BMSA Tire Maintenance. Very happy to be part of this survey and very motivated to do things differently and improve our processes more and more. ”
“KLINGE is a supportive and ethical partner… Their technician’s attitude towards tire safety and service quality of work, especially for underground tire works, is exceptional.”
“120% KLINGE should be the way to go! Some others try to do the same but they’re not as good as KLINGE (by far), especially the lead trainer, Roy. Nor do they have the same passion that is transferred to the student.”
“In my opinion, the training I received when I worked for KLINGE would have to be the best in Australia, and I still change OTR and cleaning components as I did in my training.”
“Great class delivered by great people. Roy, the lead trainer at KLINGE, is the best trainer in the business!”
“Got to oversee and be with an amazing group of guys last week at KLINGE for TIA level 200 training. I personally took the class 14 years ago and it was a game changer in my career…”
“I have to say Klinge provides the most experienced and professional training available! It is a great investment for your company as well as the trainee.”
“KLINGE trainers and consultants always give unbiased technical support and have a sound employee skills strategy. The KLINGE representatives are polite, informative, well-groomed and always assist and contribute positively.”
“I don’t think there’s another product that can keep track of tires better than this.”
An Unrivalled Safety Record
Years in otr service
people on the tools
Our story has seen the company evolve over the half century we’ve been operating. As commercial tire service providers, tire dealers, mining service providers, software developers, content experts, educators and solutions providers, this journey gives us a wealth of experience and informs how we build relationships with clients. We’ve been exporting our solutions for over 30 years including world first software, certified training programs and expertise to over 40 countries.
We love the smell of iron ore in the morning, or coal, copper, gold take your pick! Our Mining Services helps mines meet challenges that limit fleet productivity, compromise safety and reduce reliability. The in-field KLINGE team are all experienced miners, OTR tire experts and are passionate about solving all tire problems great and small. We’ve had our steel toe boots in the dirt on every continent except Antarctica… so far.
Our Clients include some of the largest mining and resource companies on earth as well as some of the fastest growing tire dealers and service providers. We work hard to forge long-term relationships with clients ensuring their challenges are met, their feedback is sought and people are safe. Our unique approach is widely acknowledged with our guiding policy the “KLINGE manner & spirit” being instrumental to our client’s successes.
Every cycle matters, measure and maximise yours today.
Take our software solutions for test drive with a KLINGE consultant today.