Otr25 Coming up: KLINGE to Showcase at One of the Most Anticipated Networking Events in the Mining Industry in Puerto Rico! More Infos

We focus on building effective & reliable solutions that improve safety culture.

Don’t let an incident be the spark that starts your safety improvement journey. We draw from 40+ years as on-site service providers with a record of zero fatalities. Today part of our mission is improving safety for all tire technicians, we offer free safety tip downloads, surveys and media for use in OTR workplaces globally. Review our presentations and contributions from conferences and learn more about the industry and OTR tires in general.

software Services

Backed by industry leading technology.

On-premise, client or KLINGE server deployment, ERP & MEMS4 integration ready. The original and best Tire Management Solution for mines.

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Build for Cloud, Smartphones and Tablets this versatile TMS leverages mobility for service providers, dealers, mines and more.

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Tire Application Risk Management is our proprietary mining tire audit and advisory platform used by consultants to improve safety and efficiency.

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Android or Apple ready to talk to your TTC or TTC Web system and go where no wifi or cell service can go.

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Our Clients

Trusted partners of global leaders

Our Clients include some of the largest mining and resource companies on earth as well as some of the fastest growing tire dealers and service providers. We work hard to forge long-term relationships with clients ensuring their challenges are met, their feedback is sought and people are safe. Our unique approach is widely acknowledged with our guiding policy the “KLINGE manner & spirit” being instrumental to our client’s successes.