Mining services
KLINGE Mining services are designed to solve challenges that limit fleet productivity, compromise OTR tire safety and reduce asset reliability
A unique mix of services & tools
Solutions for OTR tires that add value.
We only offer solutions designed to improve safety, increase productivity and add value for mines. Some developed and used by us when we were on-site tire service providers others built in our time as advisors, regardless of origin our services are instrumental to our success. Offered globally, developed in Australia and supported worldwide.
Software services
Backed by industry leading technology
We couldn’t buy a software package to do what we needed, so we created it.
Today we have software and technology offerings that address high impact and value challenges for mines, tire dealers and more. Pushing ourselves through feedback from our clients has ensured our success and enabled us to continuously innovate, test and deploy better tools for our users.
Can’t decide? Download our capability statement.
Bring years of experience in Mining Tire Safety & Management to your organisation.
Download our Capability Statement
Download our Capability Statement