Otr25 Coming up: KLINGE to Showcase at One of the Most Anticipated Networking Events in the Mining Industry in Puerto Rico! More Infos



If you’re maintaining, managing, owner or user of OTR tyre & rims it’s your responsibility to ensure your procedures are relevant, up to date and modern to keep your people safe and your operations efficient. Using the KLINGE team’s experience and learnings from consulting and auditing projects we can deliver fresh, best practice & proven procedures and policies for mines.

Your operation already has SOPs, guiding documents or a tyre management plan in place. When was the last time an expert reviewed them and how do you know your site is supporting to best practice? That’s where we can help with a review of your documentation, building on already established work from your on-site team and offering real world advice and coaching as we work.

Safe Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are essential tools in the mining industry, particularly for OTR tyre maintenance. We have extensive experience establishing, reviewing and guiding mines on these essential tools. Ensuring a mine’s SOPs are in line with global trends, best practice and are empirically kept up to date is vital to ensuring safety, consistency, training, compliance, and accountability. It’s best practice to officially review SOPs annually or bi-annually and %utilize% external resources for this, to avoid group think and complacency.

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Poorly organized and managed workshop spaces pose safety hazards and hinder overall tyre bay performance.

Tyre Management Plans

A Tyre Management Plan (TMP) for a mine is  both a strategic & operational and document used to deliver safe and effective tyre management. A TMP should cover tyre & rim selection, maintenance, monitoring, analysis, procurement. Right down to KPIs for regions, sites and teams that cover inspections, rotations, safety protocols, environmental impact and emergency responses. From this single document regional, site, fleet and vehicle SOPs and guidance documentation can be derived meaning companies can map changes through to granular levels and rely on reactions and practices drawn from this single source.

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Worldwide presence – KLINGE consultant Roy Galyer conducting an audit – Canada

SPEAK TO A Consultant

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